Donate for Victory

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas, patriots.

Dear friends,

I just wanted to write you and thank you for the support I have already received in this young campaign for Searcy City Council. I had initially planned to kickoff my campaign in high-gear at the beginning of 2010, so I launched this page to help organize canvassing efforts. However, the City Council has since voted to become "non-partisan," moving all elections to the general ballot in November. I hope to use this page to organize door-knocking in Searcy late next summer.

I want to knock every door in Ward 1 and shake every hand--I need your help to reach this goal! I strongly believe that we have a winning message. We share the values of Searcy citizens. If we get that message out, we cannot fail. I hope you will stick around and join us in the fight.

I am more optimistic than ever about our path for victory, but I know I cannot do anything without you. I appreciate your continued prayers and support. If anyone ever told you that politics is easy, they were mistaken. But I believe politics is worth it. If good men and women do not stand up and fight tyranny, who will? I am ready and willing to fight for our freedoms--freedom from burdensome taxation, overbearing regulation, and wasteful government spending.

Again, I am very excited about working with you in the upcoming year. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family. God bless you.

"But the angel said to them, 'Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.' Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, 'Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests.' " - Luke 2:10-14

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The People Win.

Friends, I am writing you at this late hour to let you know that tonight the Searcy Council voted to set the special election date for the A&P Tax.  This is a huge victory for the people of Searcy.  After months and months of tireless fighting, the people will finally receive their right to vote.  I regret that the Council unnecessarily dragged this issue out for nearly six months--the solution was so simple.  However, the important thing is that the people will now receive their constitutional right to a referendum election. 

The special election will be held on the second Tuesday of April, 2010. 

Now, the issue is not entirely settled.  There are legal questions that remain unanswered.  For instance, what becomes of the $400,000 that the A&P Commission has illegally collected?  These issues will likely be decided in court. 
There is also a special meeting on the 21st of this month to discuss further details of the election.  While some uncertainty remains, what is important is that the people of Searcy will get to vote on this tax.  Justice will be served.

Many thanks to Alderman Nutter for his relentless pursuit of justice and liberty for the people of Searcy.  Also many thanks to Scott Biddle, Chairman of the Searcy Friends of Voters, who organized the petition drive and spent countless hours conducting legal research.  Let me also thank Attorney Greg Niblock who has so graciously given his time and energy to this cause.  He was the only attorney in Searcy that was willing to take this case and fight for the people. God bless all of these men.

Be sure and check out The Arkansas Patriot tomorrow for full-length video of tonight's events. 

God bless,

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Fight for Liberty is Now.

Several monumental things happened at tonight's Searcy City Council meeting. 

To begin the festivities, the Council passed a resolution declaring all city officials "non-partisan," therefore eliminating party primaries.  The resolution itself is somewhat unimportant--there are some positives to be gained by eliminating partisanship in the city.  What is significant is that the Council (once again) rejected the rights of the people to voice their concerns.  When Alderman Nutter motioned to schedule a public hearing on the resolution, the motion was rejected--the Council is scared of the people they represent and they do not want to hear from them!

At the end of the meeting, Mr. Nutter tried to question the Mayor about why she would not allow several private citizens to address the Council--several of his constituents had emailed her, asking to be on the agenda for the meeting, and their requests were denied.  Before he finished his remarks (and before she answered his questions), Dixon motioned that the meeting be adjourned and it was seconded:

At this point, Mr. Greg Niblock rushed to the front of the room and asked the Council to stay to hear his concerns.  Steve Sterling, Jim Dixon, Dale English, and Mayor Laforce LEFT as Mr. Niblock presented "the case for liberty."   The People had a meeting of their own.  Next, Mr. Garret Myhan took to the podium to voice his concerns:

Tonight, The People made a stand.  The People said no to oppression, no to suppression of ideas, no to tyranny.  Tonight, we started to take our government back. 

This Council is scared of the people it is supposed to represent.  This Council does not care about our rights, our concerns, or our opinions!  They will not allow concerned citizens to approach them.  They will not hold public hearings.  They will not follow the Arkansas State Constitution and set an election date for the A&P Tax.  Is this really a government of the people, by the people, and for the people?  It does not look like it.  

It is time to get this government back on track.  It is time for transparency, accountability, and civility.  Tonight was a great step in the right direction, but this is only the beginning.  It is time to give the people back their government. 

I will fight for The People's rights.  I will fight to make this government accountable and responsive.  It is time that the people rule.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Stimulate business, not government.

If we are going to continue growing our local economy and bringing new jobs to Searcy, we must create an environment that is welcoming to businesses.  Recently we have seen tremendous growth in the hotel industry and the restaurant industry.  In early November, the new Papa John’s pizza will open up on Main Street.  Just this week Mayflower Foods opened their doors at the old Food King location on West Beebe-Capps Boulevard.  Unfortunately, the city council saw fit to punish these businesses (and their patrons) with a 4% tax increase. 

If we want to continue growth and continue providing jobs for our great citizens, we must keep taxes low and create a pro-business environment.  Passing new taxes and increasing government spending will only stifle this economy, not stimulate it.  New taxes and spending remove money from the private sector, reducing the spending power of consumers and decreasing government revenues.  This is simple economics. 

If we want to keep Searcy moving prosperously forward, we must work together to build a City Council that make The People’s interests their #1 priority. 

Keeping more of your money in your pocket is the only way to sustain economic growth.  It is time we stimulate business and consumers, not government.

In liberty,

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Searcy gov't continues to thwart the rule of law

Despite Judge Tom Hughes' ruling last week that the Searcy city council should place the A&P Tax before the voters, the city government is still refusing to concede to the rule of law and the will of the people.

My opponent is telling voters that she only voted for the tax because the city attorney "misled" her--this is far from the truth.  She had the exact same case law and state statutes at her disposal when she voted 4 times to not let the people vote on this tax.

Now we have learned that the mayor is 'refusing' to let Mr. Greg Niblock, attorney for the Searcy Friends of the Voters, address the city council next Tuesday night.  Mr. Niblock alleges a violation of his 1st Amendment rights under the Arkansas State Constitution. 

Follow further development and read the emails between Niblock and the mayor at

This is a critical time in our nation and in our city.  Statism is on the march.  We must stand up in opposition before it is too late.

Any donation you can make to my campaign will go a long way towards repelling the march of irresponsible government. Consider your gift an investment in the economic security of Searcy.   Send donations to 1301 Deener Dr., Searcy, AR, 72143.  Thank you in advance.

If you cannot give, please consider inviting a Searcy citizen to my website, Facebook Page, or Twitter page.  You can also submit email addresses and I will add them to this mailing list.  

Searcy has lived under the "good ole boy," Chicago-style, voter intimidation political system for too long.  Together, we can bring transparent and responsible government to Searcy.

In liberty,

Friday, October 2, 2009

Yard Sales Continue

I counted at least 6 yard sale signs on this one corner.  Eve... on Twitpic

Despite the Searcy city council's efforts to stifle economic activity, yard sales continue to flourish. I took this picture on the corner of Main Street this evening. I counted at least 6 signs for different sales. Even this arrogant council cannot stifle the entrepreneurial spirit of the citizens of Searcy!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Campaign happenings

The campaign has been on cruise control for several weeks, but this is an exciting week as Judge Hughes is scheduled to rule on the A&P Tax lawsuit.  The hearing is tomorrow (Tuesday, September 30th) at 9:00 a.m. at the Mills Court House in Searcy.  All are welcome and invited to attend.

You can follow the events more closely at my new blog-news site "The Arkansas Patriot."

Last week I was privileged to sit down with TV-16's Taelor Aebi for an interview about my campaign.  The interview will air on local cable in the coming weeks and I will have the full video posted here on my website. 

I appreciate your continued support.  With your help, we can make Searcy even better.

N. Horton

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Full-length version of speech

As promised, here is the full-length video of my speech on September 4th, 2009:

Saturday, September 5, 2009

My speech on the state capitol steps


I was honored and privileged to speak to hundreds of concerned Arkansans last night on the steps of the state capitol building. Together we raised our voices and sent a loud message to the establishment politicians everywhere, "We are Taxed Enough Already!"

The video below is a segment of my comments.

The full speech will be posted early next week on my YouTube channel, my Facebook Page, and here on my website.

Please continue to stand with me in the fight for freedom at every level.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Freedom of Information request: DENIED

Several have asked for my opinion on today's article in The Daily Citizen regarding the A&P Commission's refusal to provide documents to The Daily Citizen requested under the Freedom of Information Act.  The paper requested "documents reporting the gross tax receipts and Advertising and Promotions (A&P) tax returns for Searcy businesses complying with the A&P tax as well as summaries of those receipts and returns."

The city clerk, Miss Margaret Meads, oversees these documents but has delayed their release because this would allow businesses to see the gross receipts of their competitors.  She is awaiting an opinion from city attorney Buck Gibson before she takes any action.

My response:  I can see how the release of these documents could be detrimental to local businesses and I truly regret that, but the city council and their creation of the A&P Commission have put us in this position.  These are the kinds of ethical dilemmas that A&P Commissions and A&P taxes create.

We should never have to choose between the rule of law and fair competition.  However, that is where the mayor, the council, and the commission have placed us. 

I would urge Mrs. Meads to release the documents in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act.  I understand her hesitation, but the law must be followed, no matter what opinion the city attorney releases. 

It is not the city clerk's job to ensure competition, but it is her job to follow the law.  Ensuring fair competition is the job of the council and they have failed local businesses miserably.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

They are spending the money.

The following is an exact quote from the minutes of the A&P Commission meeting held on July 20th, 2009 at 1:00 P.M.  

"Kent indicated that the Commision has purchased Quick Books and received a Federal Tax  ID number."

You can read the full text of the minutes by clicking here

They are spending the money.

The truth will prevail. 

Thuggery from city officials?

"Mr. Horton:

Your campaign is of no interest to me, if that is what you call it. You stated in your article in the Daily Citizen that A & P Tax money is being spent. This shows how little you really know!!! If you are going to present yourself in the public arena, I will call you out every time an untrue statement is told. I did not this time because of my respect for (your family member). I may not be as thoughtful next time. Our legal representation has advised me not to speak to you, therefore, cease communication with me immediately." - Steve Sterling

Is this type of thuggery from elected officials acceptable?  Is this an appropriate way for an elected official to approach a concerned, private citizen?

*Sterling is a Searcy Alderman from Ward 2.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

An Open Letter to the Mayor and Searcy City Council

Madam Mayor and Aldermen,

The people of Searcy are upset that their petitions to vote on the A&P Tax are being ignored. 1,212 citizens of this great city signed a petition to vote on this tax, yet the council has chosen to thwart the will of the people. As a result, the people of Searcy are organizing. They are coming together this Thursday evening at Spring Park to tell you just how upset they are.

Let me be clear--this is uproar is not necessarily about the tax itself. None of us hate the parks or want to see park projects go unfunded. This is about the city council's illegal refusal to let us vote on the tax after they were lawfully petitioned by the citizens. We told you we wanted to vote and you did not listen; we petitioned you to let us vote and you have further ignored us, showing contempt for the law and for the will of the people.

You are formally invited to join us for this event and to hear from the people you are elected to represent. The people will know that you were invited and they will know if you do not show up to hear their concerns.

Please come out and show your willingness to listen to the people of this great city. Thank you.

Friday, August 21, 2009

One week from today

Next Thursday evening, the citizens of Searcy will unite to show their disdain for higher taxes and governmental abuse of power.  Yes, we know that the City Council has the legal right to vote on the A&P Tax and impose it without the consent of the governed, but they also could have placed the issue on the ballot at a minimal cost and at no political risk.  Instead, even after being legally petitioned by the citizens, they are still refusing to set an election date for the tax.  We also now know, as evidenced by the minutes of the A&P Commission meeting, that this illegally collected money is starting to be spent. 

I understand the council's legal right to vote on the A&P Tax, but I cannot comprehend their illegal refusal to recognize the citizens' sufficient and verified petitions to place the tax on the ballot.

The council is elected to represent us.  So, when thousands of Searcy citizens want to vote (and 1,200 of them sign a petition to that effect), why would the Council refuse to hear from them?  Perhaps they knew that the tax would fail 2-to-1 like it did it 2007?

If you are dissatisfied with the conduct of the Searcy government, join us at Spring Park from 6:00-8:00 p.m. for the Searcy TEA Party.  Free watermelon for all in attendance and live music. 

If the council and mayor truly care what the people of Searcy think, then I formally invite them to come and listen.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

A&P Commissions - What are they good for?

Today, Senator Blanche Lincoln spent hours meeting with Benton's A&P Commission in downtown Benton. They met in a suite behind city hall. The doors were locked, the blinds were closed; citizens were kept at bay. Some media was allowed to enter, but no citizens. After all, we would not want to let the people of Arkansas interrupt such an important meeting.

While sitting outside in the hot August sun, waiting for Lincoln's exit, I began to wonder if all the secrecy and seclusion was a vice of Lincoln's or of the A&P Commission? Just what kind of modus operandi are these Commissions subject to? We may never know for sure who created such a closed atmosphere in Benton today, but here's what we do know:

  • A&P Commissioners are 100% unaccountable to the voters of Searcy. (or any voters of any city in which they operate).
- The initial commissioners are appointed by the city council, but thereafter, the commission appoints its own members.

  • A&P Commissioners have 100% control over the funds generated by the "A&P Tax."
- All revenue from the A&P Tax (1% on prepared foods and 3% on hotels) goes straight to the Commission. The tax will generate close to $1,000,000 per year.

  • The Searcy A&P Commission has been granted the authority to place a lien on your property.
- See 17-17-18 of the A&P Ordinance.

  • Violations of the Commission's regulations are punishable by Class A Misdemeanor and fines up to $1,000.
- See 17-17-23 of the A&P Ordinance.

It does not take long to see why A&P Commissions can easily become oppressive and overreaching. Yet the real tragedy is that the people of Searcy have no recourse against a Commission that is unaccountable to them.

Perhaps the citizens should have had a voice in this issue, for I fear that our fate will be much the same as Benton's--unelected bureaucrats meeting behind closed doors in "smoke-filled rooms" and begging Senators for money. The People will have no say because the Commissioners have no reason to hear their concerns--they cannot be unelected.

Is this now "business as usual" in Searcy?

I fear that the political tide has taken a large turn towards elitism in Searcy. I am running for city council to help shift that tide. With your help, we can take back our government.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Searcy TEA Party- UPDATE

*Update: The date of the Searcy TEA Party is August 27th.

*Update: Confirmed speakers:

  • Tom Cox, candidate for U.S. Senate
  • David Meeks, candidate for the 2nd Congressional District.
  • Curtis Coleman, potential candidate for U.S. Senate
  • Kyle Reeves, former alderman and potential Searcy mayoral candidate
  • Nicholas Horton, candidate for Ward 1 Alderman
  • Caleb Lites, Central Arkansas political pundit
  • Derek Glover, candidate for Ward 3 Alderman
  • Scott Biddle, founder of "Searcy Friends of the Voters"
  • Carl Nutter, Searcy Alderman
  • Richard Caster, Director of the Ozark TEA Parties
  • State Rep. Dan Greenberg
  • Joseph Wood, Treasurer for the Republican Party of Arkansas
  • Dr. Cheri Yecke, former Secretary of Education in Florida, Minnesota, and Virginia
  • Randall Young, Chairman of the White County Republican Committee
  • Dan Hodges, local businessman and potential mayoral candidate

For more info, join this event on Facebook!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Let the people of Searcy VOTE!

Do you believe in the right to vote? Do you support the people of Searcy and their desire to vote on the recently passed "A&P Tax?"

Join this Facebook group to show your support: Let the people of Searcy VOTE on the A&P Tax!

Yard Sale Ordinance: Passed

As predicted, the Searcy city council passed the yard sale ordinance on Tuesday night. This is a sad day for freedom in Searcy.

If freedoms so basic, so essential as the right to enterprise can be stripped away at the whims of elitists, what else are we in danger of losing?

We have already lost the freedom to burn, freedom to have certain animals, and now the freedom of yard sales. What's next? Losing the right to design our own yards?

How much longer will we tolerate this type of conduct from the people who are supposed to represent us?

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Is this the end of yard sales in Searcy?

When I think of America, I think of summer baseball games, hot dogs, apple pie--and yard sales. When Mayor LaForce and her elitist cronies on the city council think of America, they think of taxes, regulations, and bigger government. When they think of yard sales, they think of one more thing that they can control.

On Tuesday night, the city council will vote on an ordinance that reportedly would limit each household to 8 yard sales per year. Homeowners would only be permitted to have 2 sales every quarter. Violation of the yard sale ordinance--which includes sign regulations, regulations on what items can be sold, and regulations on yard sale locations--could result in a fine up to $200. Click here to read the ordinance in its entirety.

According to the language used in the ordinance, the mayor believes that the current state of yard sales in Searcy has warranted "an emergency clause," meaning the ordinance would take effect immediately upon its passage. They claim that this ordinance is "necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, safety, and welfare, an emergency is hereby declared." (I sure hope no one is endangered by the sale of my old sneakers)

Also troubling: "Merchandise for sale at a garage sale shall be limited to used property and not property purchased for resale owned by those persons participating in the said sale."

Therefore, if Code Enforcer Mike Cleveland rules that you intentionally purchase something for resale (new or used property), you will be fined up to $200.

Let's be frank: this is outrageous. This ordinance never should have even been discussed, much less produced and put onto the council's meeting agenda. This is America! (or at least it used to be) The freedom to have a yard sale is more than just a general freedom--it is the right of every American to participate in free enterprise.

It used to seem that government was taking away our freedoms one-by-one. These days it seems more like 'ten-by-ten.' The loss of freedom begins here with regulating (and essentially eliminating) yard sales. It ends with lawn height regulation and home parking regulations--these restrictions are already very common in big cities across the country. The liberal elites in our city will try to implement them all of them.

Is this what the citizens of Searcy want? Do they want Mike Cleveland and his gang from Code Enforcement running around, measuring yard signs and sifting through their goods?

It is shameful that the council would even discuss this matter; I can hardly think of a more unamerican proposition. After all, what freedom is more essential than the freedom to engage in enterprise and provide for yourself and your family?

It is time for the voters of Searcy to stand up and tell the mayor and her liberal friends, "No more government!' We will not sit idly by while the government continues to strip us of our freedoms. These are our freedoms: if we do not defend them, we will certainly lose them.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

*Update: A&P Tax debacle

When the A&P Tax debate first began in Searcy, I insisted that the tax was nothing more than a penalty on Harding University, its students and their families: the tax raised the rate on prepared foods and drinks by 1% and the rate on hotels to 3%. Since Harding students provide the bulk of revenue for local restaurants and Harding parents fill hotels, this sure seemed like a tax on Harding to me.

I mobilized the Harding College Republicans and we conducted a phone survey, calling all of the alderman and asking them to vote against the tax or, at the very least, let the citizens of Searcy vote on this issue. This was an eye-opening experience for all of us. Many of the alderman were appalled that we had bothered them and almost all of them dismissed our pleas as irrelevant and 'fabricated.' Alderman Steve Sterling dared to argue that "the tax is a good idea because you pay this tax anyway when you go eat in Little Rock" (I am still sorting through that logic).

Unfortunately, my assessment of the A&P tax was even more accurate than I knew at the time: it has recently been discovered that the A&P Commission is considering taxing the Harding cafeteria, and of course they will, if they can sort through all of the red tape surrounding this 501-C3. Therefore, not only will Harding students be penalized when they go out to eat, they will also be penalized when they eat on campus.

Alderman Sterling has told me repeatedly that the A&P Tax is a "participatory tax." For Harding students, the choice seems to be #1. Pay the tax and eat or #2. Die.

Once again, the elitist politicians in the Searcy city government have overstepped their bounds. They have given the A&P Commission, a group that is altogether unaccountable to the people of Searcy, far too much authority.

It is time to give the power back to the people.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Searcian awarded DC Scholarship

Tuesday, July 7, 2009 6:44 PM CDT

LITTLE ROCK - Nicholas Horton of Searcy has been awarded a Patrick Calhoun Leadership Scholarship for 2009. The scholarship will send four Arkansas students to The Leadership Institute's Youth Leadership School in Arlington, Va. in July.

The scholarship's purpose is to prepare young Arkansans for leadership, advance conservative principles, and build a vibrant two-party system in Arkansas. Founded by Morton Blackwell, a former aide to President Ronald Reagan, the Institute's Youth Leadership School has been described as “the boot camp” of politics. The scholarship is sponsored by Rick Calhoun, a Little Rock investment banker, as a tribute to his late father, Patrick Calhoun, a political reformer in the 1960s from Conway County.

After skipping his senior year at Harding Academy, Horton enrolled at Harding University in Searcy and will graduate this month with a degree in Public Administration.

Horton co-founded Libertas Exemplar, a political newsletter at Harding and is a member of the American Studies Institute, Phi Alpha Theta history honors society, and Students In Free Enterprise. Horton served two terms as both Vice Chairman and Chairman of College Republicans at Harding University.

Horton is a member of the White County Republican Committee, volunteers as a baseball coach, and is involved in the worship ministry at his church. He will begin studies for an MBA from Harding University this fall and is currently campaigning for Ward 1 Alderman in White County. He is the son of Tina and Tony Horton of Searcy.

Carter Ford from the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville; Caleb Lites from the University of Central Arkansas in Conway; and Richard Caster of Mountain Home are the other Calhoun Scholars for 2009.