Next Thursday evening, the citizens of Searcy will unite to show their disdain for higher taxes and governmental abuse of power. Yes, we know that the City Council has the legal right to vote on the A&P Tax and impose it without the consent of the governed, but they also could have placed the issue on the ballot at a minimal cost and at no political risk. Instead, even after being legally petitioned by the citizens, they are still refusing to set an election date for the tax. We also now know, as evidenced by the minutes of the A&P Commission meeting, that this illegally collected money is starting to be spent.
I understand the council's legal right to vote on the A&P Tax, but I cannot comprehend their illegal refusal to recognize the citizens' sufficient and verified petitions to place the tax on the ballot.
The council is elected to represent us. So, when thousands of Searcy citizens want to vote (and 1,200 of them sign a petition to that effect), why would the Council refuse to hear from them? Perhaps they knew that the tax would fail 2-to-1 like it did it 2007?
If you are dissatisfied with the conduct of the Searcy government, join us at Spring Park from 6:00-8:00 p.m. for the Searcy TEA Party. Free watermelon for all in attendance and live music.
If the council and mayor truly care what the people of Searcy think, then I formally invite them to come and listen.