Donate for Victory

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas, patriots.

Dear friends,

I just wanted to write you and thank you for the support I have already received in this young campaign for Searcy City Council. I had initially planned to kickoff my campaign in high-gear at the beginning of 2010, so I launched this page to help organize canvassing efforts. However, the City Council has since voted to become "non-partisan," moving all elections to the general ballot in November. I hope to use this page to organize door-knocking in Searcy late next summer.

I want to knock every door in Ward 1 and shake every hand--I need your help to reach this goal! I strongly believe that we have a winning message. We share the values of Searcy citizens. If we get that message out, we cannot fail. I hope you will stick around and join us in the fight.

I am more optimistic than ever about our path for victory, but I know I cannot do anything without you. I appreciate your continued prayers and support. If anyone ever told you that politics is easy, they were mistaken. But I believe politics is worth it. If good men and women do not stand up and fight tyranny, who will? I am ready and willing to fight for our freedoms--freedom from burdensome taxation, overbearing regulation, and wasteful government spending.

Again, I am very excited about working with you in the upcoming year. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family. God bless you.

"But the angel said to them, 'Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.' Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, 'Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests.' " - Luke 2:10-14

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The People Win.

Friends, I am writing you at this late hour to let you know that tonight the Searcy Council voted to set the special election date for the A&P Tax.  This is a huge victory for the people of Searcy.  After months and months of tireless fighting, the people will finally receive their right to vote.  I regret that the Council unnecessarily dragged this issue out for nearly six months--the solution was so simple.  However, the important thing is that the people will now receive their constitutional right to a referendum election. 

The special election will be held on the second Tuesday of April, 2010. 

Now, the issue is not entirely settled.  There are legal questions that remain unanswered.  For instance, what becomes of the $400,000 that the A&P Commission has illegally collected?  These issues will likely be decided in court. 
There is also a special meeting on the 21st of this month to discuss further details of the election.  While some uncertainty remains, what is important is that the people of Searcy will get to vote on this tax.  Justice will be served.

Many thanks to Alderman Nutter for his relentless pursuit of justice and liberty for the people of Searcy.  Also many thanks to Scott Biddle, Chairman of the Searcy Friends of Voters, who organized the petition drive and spent countless hours conducting legal research.  Let me also thank Attorney Greg Niblock who has so graciously given his time and energy to this cause.  He was the only attorney in Searcy that was willing to take this case and fight for the people. God bless all of these men.

Be sure and check out The Arkansas Patriot tomorrow for full-length video of tonight's events. 

God bless,