Madam Mayor and Aldermen,
The people of Searcy are upset that their petitions to vote on the A&P Tax are being ignored. 1,212 citizens of this great city signed a petition to vote on this tax, yet the council has chosen to thwart the will of the people. As a result, the people of Searcy are organizing. They are coming together this Thursday evening at Spring Park to tell you just how upset they are.
Let me be clear--this is uproar is not necessarily about the tax itself. None of us hate the parks or want to see park projects go unfunded. This is about the city council's illegal refusal to let us vote on the tax after they were lawfully petitioned by the citizens. We told you we wanted to vote and you did not listen; we petitioned you to let us vote and you have further ignored us, showing contempt for the law and for the will of the people.
You are formally invited to join us for this event and to hear from the people you are elected to represent. The people will know that you were invited and they will know if you do not show up to hear their concerns.
Please come out and show your willingness to listen to the people of this great city. Thank you.