On Tuesday night, the city council will vote on an ordinance that reportedly would limit each household to 8 yard sales per year. Homeowners would only be permitted to have 2 sales every quarter. Violation of the yard sale ordinance--which includes sign regulations, regulations on what items can be sold, and regulations on yard sale locations--could result in a fine up to $200. Click here to read the ordinance in its entirety.
According to the language used in the ordinance, the mayor believes that the current state of yard sales in Searcy has warranted "an emergency clause," meaning the ordinance would take effect immediately upon its passage. They claim that this ordinance is "necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, safety, and welfare, an emergency is hereby declared." (I sure hope no one is endangered by the sale of my old sneakers)
Also troubling: "Merchandise for sale at a garage sale shall be limited to used property and not property purchased for resale owned by those persons participating in the said sale."
Therefore, if Code Enforcer Mike Cleveland rules that you intentionally purchase something for resale (new or used property), you will be fined up to $200.
Let's be frank: this is outrageous. This ordinance never should have even been discussed, much less produced and put onto the council's meeting agenda. This is America! (or at least it used to be) The freedom to have a yard sale is more than just a general freedom--it is the right of every American to participate in free enterprise.
It used to seem that government was taking away our freedoms one-by-one. These days it seems more like 'ten-by-ten.' The loss of freedom begins here with regulating (and essentially eliminating) yard sales. It ends with lawn height regulation and home parking regulations--these restrictions are already very common in big cities across the country. The liberal elites in our city will try to implement them all of them.
Is this what the citizens of Searcy want? Do they want Mike Cleveland and his gang from Code Enforcement running around, measuring yard signs and sifting through their goods?
It is shameful that the council would even discuss this matter; I can hardly think of a more unamerican proposition. After all, what freedom is more essential than the freedom to engage in enterprise and provide for yourself and your family?
It is time for the voters of Searcy to stand up and tell the mayor and her liberal friends, "No more government!' We will not sit idly by while the government continues to strip us of our freedoms. These are our freedoms: if we do not defend them, we will certainly lose them.