Donate for Victory

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Fight for Liberty is Now.

Several monumental things happened at tonight's Searcy City Council meeting. 

To begin the festivities, the Council passed a resolution declaring all city officials "non-partisan," therefore eliminating party primaries.  The resolution itself is somewhat unimportant--there are some positives to be gained by eliminating partisanship in the city.  What is significant is that the Council (once again) rejected the rights of the people to voice their concerns.  When Alderman Nutter motioned to schedule a public hearing on the resolution, the motion was rejected--the Council is scared of the people they represent and they do not want to hear from them!

At the end of the meeting, Mr. Nutter tried to question the Mayor about why she would not allow several private citizens to address the Council--several of his constituents had emailed her, asking to be on the agenda for the meeting, and their requests were denied.  Before he finished his remarks (and before she answered his questions), Dixon motioned that the meeting be adjourned and it was seconded:

At this point, Mr. Greg Niblock rushed to the front of the room and asked the Council to stay to hear his concerns.  Steve Sterling, Jim Dixon, Dale English, and Mayor Laforce LEFT as Mr. Niblock presented "the case for liberty."   The People had a meeting of their own.  Next, Mr. Garret Myhan took to the podium to voice his concerns:

Tonight, The People made a stand.  The People said no to oppression, no to suppression of ideas, no to tyranny.  Tonight, we started to take our government back. 

This Council is scared of the people it is supposed to represent.  This Council does not care about our rights, our concerns, or our opinions!  They will not allow concerned citizens to approach them.  They will not hold public hearings.  They will not follow the Arkansas State Constitution and set an election date for the A&P Tax.  Is this really a government of the people, by the people, and for the people?  It does not look like it.  

It is time to get this government back on track.  It is time for transparency, accountability, and civility.  Tonight was a great step in the right direction, but this is only the beginning.  It is time to give the people back their government. 

I will fight for The People's rights.  I will fight to make this government accountable and responsive.  It is time that the people rule.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Stimulate business, not government.

If we are going to continue growing our local economy and bringing new jobs to Searcy, we must create an environment that is welcoming to businesses.  Recently we have seen tremendous growth in the hotel industry and the restaurant industry.  In early November, the new Papa John’s pizza will open up on Main Street.  Just this week Mayflower Foods opened their doors at the old Food King location on West Beebe-Capps Boulevard.  Unfortunately, the city council saw fit to punish these businesses (and their patrons) with a 4% tax increase. 

If we want to continue growth and continue providing jobs for our great citizens, we must keep taxes low and create a pro-business environment.  Passing new taxes and increasing government spending will only stifle this economy, not stimulate it.  New taxes and spending remove money from the private sector, reducing the spending power of consumers and decreasing government revenues.  This is simple economics. 

If we want to keep Searcy moving prosperously forward, we must work together to build a City Council that make The People’s interests their #1 priority. 

Keeping more of your money in your pocket is the only way to sustain economic growth.  It is time we stimulate business and consumers, not government.

In liberty,